
Fundo Árabe para bolsas - artistas, escritores e operadores culturais

Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (deadline: Oct 30)

The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) announces a call for applications for project grants for collaborative work and other priorities. Applications invited from artists, writers and cultural operators.

Deadline is October 30th. Applications received after this date will be considered for the 2008 grants round.

The Arab Fund for Arts & Culture has just launched its grant-making program, with the generous support of a number of Arab philanthropists. The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture aims at stimulating and supporting creativity, critical thinking and freedom of expression in the Arab World. AFAC is dedicated to the development of a robust, independent Arab cultural identity which reflects the social and political realities of the region. By providing a stable source of funding to individual artists and organizations producing diverse and innovative work, AFAC will empower the next generation of Arab artists to pursue their dreams of excellence in the cultural fields of literature, film, theatre, music and visual arts. Grants will be issued to recipients in specific countries as well as those working across multiple Arab countries and sub-regions in order to strengthen existing partnerships, facilitate collaborative bridges and better address shared social concerns.

For more information about the Fund, or to contribute to its activities and funding, please write to:
Marie-Claude Souaid Hesse at: marie-claude@arabculturefund.org or see the AFAC website: www.arabculturefund.org

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

sim senhor grande titulo mas nao percebo bem o resto podem faxer o favor de traduzir se possivel?

Anónimo disse...

Tenho um enorme apreço pela cultura árabe, ao ponto de me chamarem islamista. Não me ofende: engrandece. Um islamismo que é visível nos quadros que pinto e no livro que editei há pouco. Claro que nem tudo são rosas no mundo árabe, nem no judeu, ou no cristão, e por aí fora. gostaria de receber mais informações sobre os vossos objectivos.
leonor C Fernandes. 91 108 9959.