
Call for Installations
boDig 08 – “ara-yüz(süz)”
Istanbul, 15-25 September 2008

Multidisciplinary artistic creation platform boDig is organizing a series of events called “boDig 08” on “bodies & technologies” within the frame of the International Project “Absent Interfaces Lab”.
The partners include L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà/Girona) www.lanimal.org and Centre for Drama Art (Zagreb) www.cdu.hr boDig 08 includes stage performances, installations, artists’ labs, workshops, public meetings and club events around live arts and new media technologies. boDig focuses on innovative and experimental works without restricting the medium, and this year encourages the applying artists to approach the theme of “absent interfaces” in their installation works.

The deadline for artists to apply with their installation works is August 15th. The selection committee will give priority to artworks that use an intellectual and critical approach to the embodiment of current technologies. For more info and application form: boDig 08

Selection CommitteeDr. Bernhard Serexhe (Head Curator, ZKM- Media Museum)Philippe Baudelot (Multimedia Consultant)Defne Ayas (Curator, PERFORMA)Derya Demir (Art On Stage)Aylin Kalem (boDig)

About boDig
boDig is an Istanbul based contemporary arts association founded in 2007, focusing mainly on the issues of the body in contemporary arts and digital culture. Its artistic understanding has a multidisciplinary scope, bringing a variety of fields together, like dance, performance, visual arts, design, architecture, new media, engineering and medicine, in order to bring forth a reflection and artistic creation around the issues of the body in its contemporary and technological context. www.bodig.org

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