
PAJ Europe atribui bolsas para projectos na área das artes performativas entre o Japão e a Europa

PAJ Europe (grants for Japan-Europe performing arts projects): deadline: 27 Oct

PAJ Europe is the Japan Foundation's Performing Arts programme for Europe, offering grants to organisations based in Europe for Japan-related performing arts projects, either Touring or Collaboration/Co-productions.

The Japan Foundation Performing Arts Japan Program for Europe was started by the Japan Foundation in 2006 to revitalize and facilitate the exchange between leading artists in Europe and Japan. The main feature of this scheme is that this grant will be made available to those organisers based in Europe who are planning to organise Japan related performing arts projects.

The applications will be screened and recommendations given by an annually appointed panel of advisors who are specialists in the area of performing arts in Europe. Successful applicants will receive grants as part of the cost of implementing their project. In the year 2006-2007, 11 projects were funded under the program, for a total amount of EUR175,800.

The primary objectives of PAJ Europe are:-To support the proper introduction of carefully selected Japanese performing arts with evenly planned geographic coverage in Europe;-To assist well-envisioned Europe-Japan collaborative projects during the creational phases of new works;-To encourage educational forums in addition to the actual performances, such as workshops and residency activities, to acquaint European audiences with Japanese performing arts in the context of their history, culture, and development.
Two grant categories are set in the PAJ Europe program:TOURING GRANT: assists the presentation of Japanese performing arts at multiple locations in Europe, with emphasis on locations outside major capital cities, where there is not regular exposure to Japanese performing arts.
COLLABORATION/CO-PRODUCTION GRANT: assists the collaboration of Japanese and European artists in order to create a new work that has the potential of developing into a touring project in the near future, enhancing the understanding of Japanese culture when presented to European audiences.

Para mais informações consulta o site: http://www.mcjp.asso.fr/cadrgen.html

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